Location and Detection Services

Utility Location Service Pipe Doctor
The Pipe Doctor Utility Location Service

The Pipe Doctor is a specialist in locating and detecting where you may have pipes, leaks or any other utilities located underground or inside your building.

With a range of experience and specialty equipment, The Pipe Doctor has the know how and the tools required to find what you're looking for quickly and efficiently.

Of course this means you will save time and money, with The Pipe Doctor able to find whatever you are looking for quickly, efficiently and also cleanly. No big messes digging up your property and a search and destroy mission, just the right man for the job with the knowledge, experience and equipment.

Pipe Location

A popular call for these services is to locate a pipe that you may wish to repair, replace or simply avoid as you undertake other works. The Pipe Doctor will find it for you and if you do need repairs, he can quickly and efficiently sort it all out for you.

Pipes can be located underground, inside your building or basically anywhere they may be hiding.

Leak Detection

Sometimes we know there is a leak, we may even know roughly which pipe or which part of the yard it's under. Often though, that's too vague and can still result in loads of extra time and money digging to find exact location of the leak.

The Pipe Doctor can save you all that extra time and money, by locating the leak with the latest equipment, and getting straight into the repair.

Utility Location

You need to be prepared before you dig, to be sure there are no nasty accidents. The last thing you want to do is run in to an electrical cable or damage a pipe and create a leak. Of course there is the dial before you dig service available, however this only tells you about the stuff the large utility companies have put underground.

What about that pipe that was laid in the property by the old owner and was never recorded? What about that home plumbing job your old Great Uncle Jack installed himself in the old laundry? Or have you been finding some other hidden surprises you weren't expecting?

That's where The Pipe Doctor and his specialty equipment including ultrasonic scanning equipment comes in handy. He will be able to scan your property or structure and give you the confidence that you know what's lurking underneath.

Call The Pipe Doctor now on 0438 123 128 to get started.

Or send an email for a quote or more information.